Link do zbornika: https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3454/
The Thirteenth International e-Learning Conference was held at Belgrade Metropolitan University on September 29th and 30th, 2022. After welcoming and registering participants and authors, the President of Belgrade Metropolitan University, Professor Dr. Dragan Domazet, officially opened the conference. In addition to authors from Serbia, researchers from Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Spain, the United States of America, Germany, Oman, and India also presented their research.
The focus of the eLearning-2022 conference was on big data and learning analytics, and researchers presented a significant number of papers showcasing their latest work. As part of the conference, a Round Table Discussion entitled “Challenges and Opportunities of Using Learning Analytics in Education” was held. Professors Dr. Miguel Angel Conde from the Engineering School, University of Leon, Spain, Dr. Dijana Oreški from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, and Dr. Dragan Domazet from Belgrade Metropolitan University shared their views and engaged in discussions with conference attendees.
The eLearning-2022 conference received financial support from the ILEDA Erasmus+ project, which focuses on implementing learning analytics in education.
We eagerly anticipate the upcoming conference, eLearning-2023, scheduled to take place on September 28-29, 2023, in Belgrade.